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Corn And Cucumbers: The Perfect Companion Planting

Title: Corn and Cucumbers: The Perfect Companion Planting


Corn and cucumbers are two popular vegetables that are often grown together in the garden. This is because they are both warm-season crops that require similar growing conditions. They also have a number of benefits when grown together, including:

  • Increased yields: Corn and cucumbers help to support each other's growth. The corn provides shade for the cucumbers, which helps to keep them cool and prevent them from wilting. The cucumbers, in turn, help to attract beneficial insects that pollinate the corn.
  • Reduced pest problems: Corn and cucumbers also help to deter pests. The corn's tall stalks provide a physical barrier that can help to keep pests away from the cucumbers. The cucumbers' strong scent can also repel some pests.
  • Improved flavor: Corn and cucumbers also help to improve each other's flavor. The cucumbers' moisture helps to keep the corn kernels moist and tender. The corn's sweetness helps to balance out the cucumbers' acidity.

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Benefits of Companion Planting Corn and Cucumbers

  • Increased yields: As mentioned above, corn and cucumbers can help to increase each other's yields. The corn provides shade for the cucumbers, which helps to keep them cool and prevent them from wilting. This can lead to longer, healthier cucumber vines, which can produce more cucumbers. The cucumbers, in turn, help to attract beneficial insects that pollinate the corn. These insects help to ensure that the corn produces more kernels.
  • Reduced pest problems: Corn and cucumbers can also help to deter pests. The corn's tall stalks provide a physical barrier that can help to keep pests away from the cucumbers. The cucumbers' strong scent can also repel some pests. For example, the scent of cucumbers can help to deter cucumber beetles, which are a major pest of cucumbers.
  • Improved flavor: Corn and cucumbers can also help to improve each other's flavor. The cucumbers' moisture helps to keep the corn kernels moist and tender. The corn's sweetness helps to balance out the cucumbers' acidity. This can lead to a more flavorful and enjoyable cucumber salad or corn on the cob.

How to Plant Corn and Cucumbers Together

To plant corn and cucumbers together, you will need to choose a location that gets full sun. The soil should be well-drained and fertile. You can plant the corn seeds about 1 inch deep and 3 inches apart. The cucumber seeds should be planted about 1 inch deep and 12 inches apart. Once the seeds have germinated, you can thin the corn plants to about 12 inches apart and the cucumber plants to about 24 inches apart.

Tips for Companion Planting Corn and Cucumbers

  • Fertilize regularly: Corn and cucumbers are both heavy feeders, so you will need to fertilize them regularly. You can use a balanced fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 fertilizer.
  • Water regularly: Corn and cucumbers need regular watering, especially during hot, dry weather. Water the plants deeply, so that the water reaches the roots.
  • Pest control: Monitor the plants for pests and diseases. If you see any problems, take steps to control them immediately.


Corn and cucumbers are a great combination for companion planting. They help to support each other's growth, deter pests, and improve flavor. If you are looking for a way to increase your yields and improve the quality of your vegetables, consider planting corn and cucumbers together.

Corn and cucumber are two popular vegetables that can be grown together in the garden. They are both warm-season crops that require full sun and well-drained soil. Corn can provide shade for cucumbers, which helps to protect them from the sun's heat. Cucumbers can also help to suppress weeds around corn plants.

There are a few things to keep in mind when companion planting corn and cucumbers. First, make sure to plant them at the same time. Second, space them appropriately. Corn should be planted 36 inches apart, and cucumbers should be planted 12 inches apart. Third, provide support for the cucumber vines. You can use a trellis, fence, or even a corn stalk.

For more information about corn and cucumber companion planting, please visit Garden Wiki.

FAQ of corn and cucumber companion planting

Q: Can I plant cucumbers and corn together?

A: Yes, corn and cucumbers are good companion plants. They have similar growing conditions and can benefit each other in a number of ways. Corn provides shade for the cucumbers, which can help to keep them cool and prevent them from developing powdery mildew. Cucumbers, on the other hand, help to attract pollinators to the corn, which can improve pollination and yield.

Q: How far apart should I plant cucumbers and corn?

A: When planting cucumbers and corn together, it is important to space them properly. Cucumbers need about 18-24 inches of space between plants, while corn needs about 36 inches of space. You can plant the cucumbers in between the rows of corn, or you can plant them in a separate row adjacent to the corn.

Q: What are some other good companion plants for cucumbers?

Along with corn, other good companion plants for cucumbers include:

  • Beans
  • Carrots
  • Garlic
  • Marigolds
  • Nasturtiums
  • Onions
  • Peas
  • Radishes
  • Spinach

Q: What are some plants that I should avoid planting near cucumbers?

Some plants that you should avoid planting near cucumbers include:

  • Melons
  • Potatoes
  • Sage
  • Fennel
  • Brassicas (such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and kale)

Q: What are the benefits of companion planting?

Companion planting is the practice of planting different plants together in order to benefit each other. There are many benefits to companion planting, including:

  • Increased yields
  • Improved pollination
  • Reduced pest and disease problems
  • Increased biodiversity

Image of corn and cucumber companion planting

  1. A row of corn plants with cucumber vines growing up the stalks.
  2. A close-up of a corn plant and a cucumber vine, showing how they support each other.
  3. A garden bed with corn and cucumber plants growing side by side.
  4. A pot with corn and cucumber plants growing together.
  5. A field of corn and cucumber plants, showing how they can be used to create a living fence.
  6. A butterfly visiting a cucumber flower that is growing next to a corn plant.
  7. A ladybug crawling on a corn leaf, which is beneficial for cucumber plants.
  8. A hummingbird drinking nectar from a cucumber flower.
  9. A harvest of corn and cucumbers, showing how the two plants can be grown together.
  10. A family enjoying a meal of corn and cucumbers, which they grew in their own garden.

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